Seeking Longer Pumps: The Role of Arginase Inhibitors in Pre-Workouts

Muscle pump

In the world of fitness, the quest for the perfect workout supplement that maximizes gains and performance is unending. Among the many components of pre-workout supplements, arginase inhibitors have been gaining attention for their potential to extend muscle pumps during exercise. These inhibitors, like those found in Vasokem from Rawkem, play a crucial role in enhancing blood flow and endurance, ultimately amplifying workout results.

Vasokem Pump

Understanding Arginase Inhibitors

Arginase is an enzyme that breaks down arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), a molecule responsible for vasodilation—the widening of blood vessels. By inhibiting arginase, the levels of arginine available for the production of nitric oxide increase. This surge in nitric oxide prompts blood vessels to dilate further, leading to improved blood flow to muscles. Consequently, this enhanced circulation contributes to longer-lasting and more profound muscle pumps during workouts.

The Benefits of Prolonged Pumps

Enhanced Nutrient Delivery: Improved blood flow means better transportation of nutrients and oxygen to muscles, aiding in endurance and recovery.
Increased Muscle Volume: Prolonged pumps create a greater temporary expansion in muscle size, which can contribute to muscle growth stimulation.
Improved Performance: Better blood flow not only supplies nutrients but also helps remove metabolic waste, reducing fatigue and boosting performance.

Vasokem: Upgrading Your Workout Experience


Among the various pre-workout supplements on the market, Vasokem by Rawkem stands out for its powerful blend of ingredients specifically designed to extend muscle pumps. Formulated with 1000mg of agmatine sulfate and 250mg of L-norvaline, Vasokem offers an optimal combination to inhibit arginase and support prolonged pumps.

Agmatine Sulfate: This compound helps regulate nitric oxide levels, promoting vasodilation and enhancing blood flow, crucial for sustained muscle pumps.

L-Norvaline: Known for its arginase-inhibiting properties, L-norvaline further supports increased nitric oxide production, extending the duration of muscle pumps during workouts.

By incorporating Vasokem into your pre-workout routine, you’re not just taking another supplement—you’re optimizing your performance, allowing for longer-lasting pumps and unlocking your full potential in every session.


Arginase inhibitors like those found in Vasokem play a vital role in extending muscle pumps, offering a range of benefits that contribute to improved workout performance and results. When combined with a comprehensive training regimen and a balanced diet, supplements containing arginase inhibitors can be a game-changer in achieving fitness goals.

Invest in your workouts, maximize your pump, and elevate your performance with Vasokem from Rawkem—a potent solution designed to help you push beyond limits and redefine your fitness journey.


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